Studying the “Divine Revelation” to Understand Historical Positioning

Keeping in step with Grandmaster and raising the banner of “Three Rescues”

March 16, 2018 is a profoundly important day for all members of Feng Huang Yuan.

On this day, the Divine descended a Divine Revelation, establishing two historical positions for Feng Huang Yuan:

The first historical position is: Feng Huang Yuan will be a “Three Rescues Team” that surges ahead on Earth;

The second historical position is: Grandmaster Datong, who is leading this team and devoting himself to the cause of the Three Rescues will be recognized as the “Grandmaster of the Generation”.

After receiving this Divine Revelation, Grandmaster Datong conversed with disciples and students: He considers the historical positioning of being the “Grandmaster of the Generation”, bestowed upon him by the Divine, as “undeserving of the title”. Under the guidance of the Divine Universe and the support of people from all walks of life during the period of Tian Gong and Feng Huang Yuan, along with the concerted efforts of the vast number of fellow practitioners worldwide, especially those from mainland China, significant contributions have been made to the cause of the Three Rescues amidst countless challenges, braving dangers and overcoming obstacles. However, Grandmaster regards the personal historical positioning bestowed upon him by the Divine as encouragement and motivation, accepting this honor and historical mission as a driving force. He firmly tells his students that he will continuously repent, uphold virtues, correct shortcomings, strive for progress through constant self-reflection and repentance, and continue to lead the “Three Rescues Team” in fulfilling the mission of the Three Rescues.

On March 1, 2018, while Grandmaster was helping someone, his back was accidentally pressed down by a heavy object, causing internal injuries to his heart.

On March 10, as scheduled, Grandmaster flew from San Francisco, USA to Hangzhou, China. Just before boarding the plane, his life was in danger and he pondered: should he stay or persist in boarding the plane? At that moment, Senior Sister Lisha, who was in Wenzhou, China, received a message from the Divine Universe: Take the risk and board the plane!

Therefore, with firm faith in the Divine Revelation, Grandmaster persevered in faith and took the risk of boarding the plane. As soon as he got on the plane, the discomfort in this heart eased. After another hour, his heart and body returned to normal. After a long flight of more than ten hours, he finally arrived safely at his destination.

The Divine Revelation says: “This time, Grandmaster’s return from the brink of life and death, is a miraculous life revival. Remember, during this period of time, without Dan-alchemy, there would be no such miracle. (As early as 1,700 years ago, Great-Grandmaster Ge Hong in the book “Hagiographies of the Deities and Immortals” clearly explained through the records of 92 individuals, who had attained immortality, that alchemy is extremely important for attaining immortality and creating miracles of life!)”

“Saving oneself is not about one’s life, but rather about refining and optimizing the quality of one’s personality in order to nourish a perfect soul, elevate spiritual levels, and become a wholesome and virtuous person.”

The Divine Revelation’s commentary on “virtuous person” is: “One who constantly cultivates and corrects oneself, then influences and transforms others through practical actions, and promotes collective progress within the team. This is taking responsibility for one’s own life and building great merits for one’s life’s symphony.

The Divine Revelation points out that the first and foremost task of Feng Huang Yuan’s “Three Rescues Team” is to build a hierarchical talent pool in accordance with the requirements of the “array formation”. The outstanding problem faced in building this talent pool is that “there is still a lack of virtuous persons”. The solution to this problem is “diligent cultivation and learning”. If solid strides are not taken to cultivate and study diligently, the “Three Rescues Team” will “dissipate like smoke”, the banner of “Three Rescues” will be difficult to uphold, the mission of “Three Rescues” will be difficult to accomplish, and the achievements of the “Grandmaster of the Generation” will be ruined.

In April 2019, in order to create conditions for Feng Huang Yuan practitioners to “cultivate and study diligently”, Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe decided to established the “Elementary Spiritual Classroom” in Feng Huang Yuan, with Senior Sister Lisha appointed as the Chief Instructor, and the subjects and contents of study are determined by Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe, allowing those determined to cultivate and practice in Feng Huang Yuan to become students, and enter the Classroom to engage in learning and practices.

At the same time, Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe also respectfully invited the Great-Grandmaster of Health Cultivation, Culinary Arts, and Qigong – Peng Zu – to impart “Tong Le (Joyfully Together) Dining” and Peng Zu’s culinary skills in the Elementary Spiritual Classroom.

Due to the changes in the Earth’s environment, such as pollution of soil, earth’s energy field, air, and water, the molecular structure of modern human food has become disordered. Consuming these disordered food materials poses a great risk to health. As Grand Duke Jiang says, “People of the Earth may succumb to death due to  ‘eating’ problem.” Peng Zu’s culinary skills aim to transform the molecular structure of altered food ingredients from disorder to order. Therefore, “Tong Le Dining” will greatly assist Feng Huang Yuan practitioners in their Dan-alchemy practice. Great Sage-Teacher Yangming says, “Spiritual cultivation and practices in the kitchen, is building a sacred space in a spiral shell.”

Since the establishment of the “Elementary Spiritual Classroom” and the inception of “Tong Le Dining” over four years ago, Senior Sister Lisha and hundreds of students have regarded this place as the best spiritual cultivation space. Five years as if it’s been a day, they have been assiduous in cultivation and studies, and diligent in Dan-alchemy practices. Their spirituality has achieved significant elevation and their bodies have generally experienced improved health, achieving dual cultivation of mind and body, and unified cultivation of both spiritual and physical essences, yielding remarkable results and abundant rewards.

Today, reflecting on the Divine Revelation of the two “historical positioning”, for all of us in Feng Huang Yuan, we feel glorious to be a member of the Divine-bestowed “Three Rescues Team that surges ahead on Earth”, we feel honored that our Grandmaster has been bestowed by the Divine as the “Grandmaster of the Generation”, and we are grateful to the Divine for showing us the way and providing us direct guidance.

At the same time, we must adhere to the Divine Revelation and the teachings of our Grandmaster. On the path of “diligent cultivation and learning”, we must constantly cultivate and correct ourselves without shying away from challenges, influence and transform others through practical actions rather than empty words, and promote collective progress within the team without mere pretense.

Only then can we truly become the “Three Rescues Team” that surges ahead on Earth, capable of building a disease-free team, creating miracles of life, and also upholding the banner of “Three Rescues” to facilitate the sublimation of humanity, propel civilization to leap forward, and realizing the great cosmic unity.

Feng Huang Yuan International Association
