Studying the “Divine Revelation” to Understand Historical Positioning

Keeping in step with Grandmaster and raising the banner of “Three Rescues”

March 16, 2018 is a profoundly important day for all members of Feng Huang Yuan.

On this day, the Divine descended a Divine Revelation, establishing two historical positions for Feng Huang Yuan:

The first historical position is: Feng Huang Yuan will be a “Three Rescues Team” that surges ahead on Earth;

The second historical position is: Grandmaster Datong, who is leading this team and devoting himself to the cause of the Three Rescues will be recognized as the “Grandmaster of the Generation”.

After receiving this Divine Revelation, Grandmaster Datong conversed with disciples and students: He considers the historical positioning of being the “Grandmaster of the Generation”, bestowed upon him by the Divine, as “undeserving of the title”. Under the guidance of the Divine Universe and the support of people from all walks of life during the period of Tian Gong and Feng Huang Yuan, along with the concerted efforts of the vast number of fellow practitioners worldwide, especially those from mainland China, significant contributions have been made to the cause of the Three Rescues amidst countless challenges, braving dangers and overcoming obstacles. However, Grandmaster regards the personal historical positioning bestowed upon him by the Divine as encouragement and motivation, accepting this honor and historical mission as a driving force. He firmly tells his students that he will continuously repent, uphold virtues, correct shortcomings, strive for progress through constant self-reflection and repentance, and continue to lead the “Three Rescues Team” in fulfilling the mission of the Three Rescues.

On March 1, 2018, while Grandmaster was helping someone, his back was accidentally pressed down by a heavy object, causing internal injuries to his heart.

On March 10, as scheduled, Grandmaster flew from San Francisco, USA to Hangzhou, China. Just before boarding the plane, his life was in danger and he pondered: should he stay or persist in boarding the plane? At that moment, Senior Sister Lisha, who was in Wenzhou, China, received a message from the Divine Universe: Take the risk and board the plane!

Therefore, with firm faith in the Divine Revelation, Grandmaster persevered in faith and took the risk of boarding the plane. As soon as he got on the plane, the discomfort in this heart eased. After another hour, his heart and body returned to normal. After a long flight of more than ten hours, he finally arrived safely at his destination.

The Divine Revelation says: “This time, Grandmaster’s return from the brink of life and death, is a miraculous life revival. Remember, during this period of time, without Dan-alchemy, there would be no such miracle. (As early as 1,700 years ago, Great-Grandmaster Ge Hong in the book “Hagiographies of the Deities and Immortals” clearly explained through the records of 92 individuals, who had attained immortality, that alchemy is extremely important for attaining immortality and creating miracles of life!)”

“Saving oneself is not about one’s life, but rather about refining and optimizing the quality of one’s personality in order to nourish a perfect soul, elevate spiritual levels, and become a wholesome and virtuous person.”

The Divine Revelation’s commentary on “virtuous person” is: “One who constantly cultivates and corrects oneself, then influences and transforms others through practical actions, and promotes collective progress within the team. This is taking responsibility for one’s own life and building great merits for one’s life’s symphony.

The Divine Revelation points out that the first and foremost task of Feng Huang Yuan’s “Three Rescues Team” is to build a hierarchical talent pool in accordance with the requirements of the “array formation”. The outstanding problem faced in building this talent pool is that “there is still a lack of virtuous persons”. The solution to this problem is “diligent cultivation and learning”. If solid strides are not taken to cultivate and study diligently, the “Three Rescues Team” will “dissipate like smoke”, the banner of “Three Rescues” will be difficult to uphold, the mission of “Three Rescues” will be difficult to accomplish, and the achievements of the “Grandmaster of the Generation” will be ruined.

In April 2019, in order to create conditions for Feng Huang Yuan practitioners to “cultivate and study diligently”, Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe decided to established the “Elementary Spiritual Classroom” in Feng Huang Yuan, with Senior Sister Lisha appointed as the Chief Instructor, and the subjects and contents of study are determined by Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe, allowing those determined to cultivate and practice in Feng Huang Yuan to become students, and enter the Classroom to engage in learning and practices.

At the same time, Great Sage-Teacher Yangming and Grandmaster Nengzhe also respectfully invited the Great-Grandmaster of Health Cultivation, Culinary Arts, and Qigong – Peng Zu – to impart “Tong Le (Joyfully Together) Dining” and Peng Zu’s culinary skills in the Elementary Spiritual Classroom.

Due to the changes in the Earth’s environment, such as pollution of soil, earth’s energy field, air, and water, the molecular structure of modern human food has become disordered. Consuming these disordered food materials poses a great risk to health. As Grand Duke Jiang says, “People of the Earth may succumb to death due to  ‘eating’ problem.” Peng Zu’s culinary skills aim to transform the molecular structure of altered food ingredients from disorder to order. Therefore, “Tong Le Dining” will greatly assist Feng Huang Yuan practitioners in their Dan-alchemy practice. Great Sage-Teacher Yangming says, “Spiritual cultivation and practices in the kitchen, is building a sacred space in a spiral shell.”

Since the establishment of the “Elementary Spiritual Classroom” and the inception of “Tong Le Dining” over four years ago, Senior Sister Lisha and hundreds of students have regarded this place as the best spiritual cultivation space. Five years as if it’s been a day, they have been assiduous in cultivation and studies, and diligent in Dan-alchemy practices. Their spirituality has achieved significant elevation and their bodies have generally experienced improved health, achieving dual cultivation of mind and body, and unified cultivation of both spiritual and physical essences, yielding remarkable results and abundant rewards.

Today, reflecting on the Divine Revelation of the two “historical positioning”, for all of us in Feng Huang Yuan, we feel glorious to be a member of the Divine-bestowed “Three Rescues Team that surges ahead on Earth”, we feel honored that our Grandmaster has been bestowed by the Divine as the “Grandmaster of the Generation”, and we are grateful to the Divine for showing us the way and providing us direct guidance.

At the same time, we must adhere to the Divine Revelation and the teachings of our Grandmaster. On the path of “diligent cultivation and learning”, we must constantly cultivate and correct ourselves without shying away from challenges, influence and transform others through practical actions rather than empty words, and promote collective progress within the team without mere pretense.

Only then can we truly become the “Three Rescues Team” that surges ahead on Earth, capable of building a disease-free team, creating miracles of life, and also upholding the banner of “Three Rescues” to facilitate the sublimation of humanity, propel civilization to leap forward, and realizing the great cosmic unity.

Feng Huang Yuan International Association



The Divine Revelation of Grand Duke Jiang: Master’s Teachings—Give the Credit and Take the Blame

Date Published: 2014-9-13


On August 31, 2014, Grand Duke Jiang delivered a divine revelation:

Master’s Teachings①——Give the credit and take the blame.

Interpretation and guidance of the cosmic message:

Be unyielding towards self-discipline and even more so, turn to the virtuous way of giving the credit and taking the blame to overcome the ego that creates obstacles for oneself.


Giving the credit and taking the blame is the approach of one with great wisdom who appears to be unknowing, strives for reality that corresponds to the name②, and upholds righteousness.


Taking all the credit and none of the blame is the approach of an ignorant fool who strives in vain③ for undeserved reputation, and fails to live up to being grateful and righteous.



①Master’s Teachings: Grand Master’s teachings to the students, from which students gain understanding to enhance their spiritual apprehension.

②Reality that corresponds to the name:

  1. Dictionary Definition: Seek for reality that corresponds to one’s reputation, so as to be worthy of the name.
  2. Interpretation of the cosmic message: Seek according to the Way of Dao and seek truth from facts in one’s approach.

③ Strives in vain: a complete waste of energy.

A Short Discourse by Grandmaster Datong

Date Published: January 2, 2023

A short discourse by Grandmaster Datong:

One should pay special attention to the story of “The True and False Monkey King” in Chapters 56, 57 and 58 of  the “Journey to the West”.  Why did the Six-Eared Macaque appear? This question is vitally important for a true spiritual practitioner.

“Journey to the West” is an encyclopedia of spiritual cultivation and practices. It is best for practitioners to read it through and fully comprehend it. Even for the illiterates, watching the TV series “Journey to the West” is beneficial. Having truly digested and comprehended the essence of the “Journey to the West”,  a spiritual practitioner is hereof regarded as successful. (The End)

January 2, 2023


A Saying of Grandmaster Nengzhe

Date published: 2023-1-1

The saying of Grandmaster Nengzhe *:

Feng Huang Yuan practitioners should study and learn from this four-phrase mantra:

  1. The world’s most powerful prophecy is called cause and effect.
  2. The world’s most miraculous disaster elimination is called repentance.
  3. The world’s most effective wealth attraction is called the practice of giving.
  4. The world’s most sagacious action is called cultivation and practices.

January 1, 2023


*Note: Grandmaster Nengzhe is one of Grandmaster Datong’s emanation bodies.

The Green Snake Head Keychain — A karmic law that is difficult for ordinary people to understand


One morning in late June 2017, Senior Sister Lisa and I, in a group of four, went up the Northern Peak. The weather was sweltering in Hangzhou. When we came down from the mountain, we were drenched in sweat.

The strange thing was, my hepatobiliary region started to ache in the afternoon, and a copper coin-sized red papule appeared on the curvature area of my stomach. This papule became hardened at the base, and sometimes it was painful, but sometimes itchy. The next day, the pain from my hepatobiliary region and the painful itching of my papule intensified. Since I have had liver disease and this papule came out of nowhere, I sought the advice from Senior Sister Lisa.

I narrated my story to Senior Sister Lisa and she told me, “It was very good that we went up Northern Peak this time. It has induced the underlying root cause of disease in your body. You are lucky to have discovered it early, else it will be difficult to tackle.” Thereafter, Senior Sister conducted a healing therapy on me to eliminate the disease and restore healthy balance in my body. During the session, she asked me if I had ever bashed snakes. She also asked me if I was carrying any ring-shaped, green triangular object at home.

I confessed to Senior Sister that I did kill many snakes when I was young, but I did not seem to be carrying a ring with triangle-shaped object. At that moment, Senior Sister felt very strange! She ascertained that there was a green triangular entity, she caught hold of it but it sneaked back, simply could not get rid of it. Senior Sister dispelled the pathogenic Qi in my body and also cleaned off the Yin garbage from my body. Within about two weeks, the pain in my hepatobiliary region gradually lessened, the base of the bump became softer, and the papule originally as big as a copper coin gradually reduced in size.

On July 20, Senior Sister and I set out from the Feng Dan Pavilion to run some errands. As I was locking the door, Senior Sister alertly asked me what was dangling from my keyring. I told her that it was only a souvenir keychain from a friend who visited Thailand more than ten years ago. The key fob was a triangular snake head, white unicorn with very long snout and a pair of red spooky eyes (Thinking back now, it was so creepy to have that pair of eyes staring at me!).

After getting into the car, Senior Sister said, “Hurry up and find a place to throw it away. No wonder I failed to catch hold of the green entity all this while, so you are carrying it around all day!” I became panic-stricken after listening to Senior Sister’s words! Halfway through the journey, we stopped at the roadside, found a place, dug a small hole, and buried the snake head keychain.

Back at the Feng Dan Pavilion, Senior Sister asked me when I started using the keychain and when my liver disease began. Coming to think of it, that was more than ten years ago! Senior Sister said that my liver disease was a karmic disease but the root cause was found and eliminated on this occasion, therefore I should perform more good deeds for Feng Huang Yuan from now on to protect the liver health of the members of this family group.

This was really a karmic law that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. I felt so ignorant of myself! At the same time, I felt the mystery of the unseen world deeply! I also felt the profound mystery of Feng Huang Yuan Spiritual Levels and Cosmic Mystical Secret Methods deeply! The first step towards spirituality in the Nine-Part Progression is to understand “karma”, the universal law of cause and effect. But when faced with adversity, only then did I realize that my knowledge of karma and experience was next to nothing!

I am fortunate to become part of the big family of Feng Huang Yuan, to learn about karma, etiquette, righteousness, and proper conduct of oneself. I am very grateful to Grandmaster Datong who has the ability to work a miracle, in helping me resolved this negative karmic effect!

Beginning today, I will always repent to those I have hurt, and seek forgiveness for my past ignorance and mistakes. I need to always reflect on my own mistakes; do my utmost to contribute more to Feng Huang Yuan; and constantly advance my spiritual level.

Epilogue: Senior Sister Lisa attached great importance to this matter, and immediately reported the snake head keychain burying incident to Grandmaster Datong. Grandmaster Datong promptly instructed us: “When burying it, one must first apologize and seek for forgiveness, and also repent of all sins to the Divine…” The next day, we followed the instructions of Grandmaster Datong, and only then we were able to clear the negative residue left behind by the snake head keychain. I am so grateful!

(China) Xu Ning

The Knowledge of “Yin-Yang” Environmental Protection

( 2015-2-13 )

Note: The following is an excerpt from the speech titled “How can we save the Earth?” which was delivered by Grandmaster Datong at the 11th annual Earthdance International Music Festival, a large-scale event, held in United States in 2007. The point of view of Feng Huang Yuan on Yin environmental protection is absolutely not unfounded or baseless. However, these perceptions are not easily accepted at present. Nevertheless, keep them on file for the time being, as only time will tell.

The Universe has Yin and Yang, the Earth has Yin and Yang, the whole creation has Yin and Yang, human also has Yin and Yang. The sun is Yang, the moon is Yin; day is Yang, night is Yin; fire is Yang, water is Yin; male is Yang, female is Yin; body is Yang, soul is Yin; above is Yang, below is Yin; external is Yang, internal is Yin……Within the Universe, nothing is without Yin and Yang.

Does “environmental protection” have Yin and Yang? It has!

The subject covered by the so-called “Yang environmental protection” is vast and varied, ranging from the bigger outer space, down to the smaller details, such as kitchen, bathroom and human body.

Environmental Protection in Outer Space: Humans have launched more than 4,000 rockets into orbit, littering space now at an alarming level; there are more than 9,000 pieces of space debris larger than 10 cm in diameter, hundreds of thousands of pieces smaller than 1.2 cm in diameter, and millions of pieces of paint flakes and particles from solid propellant exhausts. These pieces of flotsam in space resemble cars being driven recklessly on highway causing collisions, therefore posing extreme lethality to humans and astronauts alike. But to date, humans are still incapable of cleaning up these space junk, yet continue sending trash into space.

Environmental Protection on Earth: How to emphasize on the importance of the greenhouse effect, energy conservation and emission reduction, solving global warming, and solving air quality problems; how to reduce noise ; how to protect the oceans, lakes, and rivers; how to protect water sources and improve water quality; how to protect species, animals, and forests; how to handle plastic waste, nuclear waste, and so on; how to protect the environment, including enterprise environment, and home and office environment; so on and so fort.

In addition, there is the environmental protection of human body.

These environmental protection concepts merely remain at the “Yang” level.

However, the cause of the Earth and humanity plunging into disasters is beyond the above-mentioned “Yang” factors as there is also a massive number of “Yin” factors that people have never ever thought of and also reluctant to think about. This is determined by a world driven by positivistic science.

In fact, “Yin environmental protection” is more important than “Yang environmental protection”, or at least equally important. Therefore, we need to expand the concept of “environmental protection”……

“Yin environmental protection” can also be regarded as “energy environmental protection.” It is different from Yang environmental protection, which only places importance on environmental protection of positivistic matter—particles, in that Yin environmental protection is the environmental protection of energy waves. What subjects does it encompass?

The first is reducing the negative thoughts of human beings. A thought is a type of “wave”, the manifestation of mind energy wave.

Our thoughts, our strong desires, selfishness, hatred, fear, sorrow, anger, jealousy……these bad thoughts and emotions stem from our hearts and minds.

Without anger and hatred, will there be any terrorist activities or war?

Without desire for food, lust, wealth, possessions, fame and fortune, will human beings experience so much pain and sufferings? Will the Earth be dismembered until the present condition?

Both the body and soul of a human being have “desires.” The desire of a soul traverses through the heart, flows upward toward the brain, and becomes a thought. Thoughts that are harmful to life and the Earth are all negative thoughts and negative energies. If there must be a certain “scientific” phrase for this, thoughts and energy will all be known as “Yin matter”, which exists in the form of “wave.” Negative thoughts are all “Yin garbage” and as Yin garbage, it will also produce Yang garbage. The Earth is already filled with Yang garbage and isn’t this caused by our negative thoughts? Our desires and negative thoughts are not the only source of Yin garbage, but also the source of Yang garbage.

And thus, it is comprehensible that our insatiable desires, negative thoughts, and negative emotions are the main culprits in causing the Earth to plunge into catastrophe. Therefore, we might as well ask ourselves, can we reduce the emission of carbon dioxide if we don’t reduce our desires and negative thoughts? Can we reduce natural and man-made disasters? Emphasizing on Yang environmental protection while neglecting Yin environmental protection will only fix the symptoms and not the root cause of environmental problems. The first priority of Yin environmental protection is restraining desires and reducing negative thoughts. Reducing negative thoughts can also be referred to as “spiritual environmental protection.”

The second is “clearing the negative field”; in other words, to clear the energy field of the Earth by reducing negative energies that permeate the Earth’s surface, underground, water, low altitude zone, and the entire atmosphere.
In general, field clearing consists of four subject matters. The task of handling these matters is arduous and needs to be dealt with using the cosmic technique approach.

1. Releasing blockages of flow in pressure points and the meridian system of the Earth.

Human has a meridian system. Does the Earth have a meridian system? The Earth is also a living entity. Every living entity has a meridian system and pressure points. All planets and even the entire Universe are lifeforms, so they all have meridians and pressure points. Why do people get sick? When negative energy is blocking the meridians and pressure points, “Qi” is unable to flow freely, therefore illness and pain occur. Why did mega earthquakes hit Tangshan and California during the last century? The negative energies created by humans caused the blockages at the pressure points of Tangshan and California. There is an aphorism, where there is no flow, there is pain. Hence, when the Earth’s meridian system is being blocked also leads to pain. Prolonged “pain” will cause tumor growth and cancer. Therefore, the proper flow of energy in the meridian system of the Earth needs to be restored by releasing the negative energies. Earthquake is the way the Earth releases stagnant “Qi” from the underground; the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed nearly 300,000 people was due to the release of stagnant “Qi” from the ocean floor, the ocean surface and coastlines; frequent widespread floods that hit China are due to the release of stagnant “Qi” onto the Earth’s surface; each year, hurricanes that strike the United States and typhoons that hit China are due the release of stagnant “Qi” into the low altitude zones; one year, the massive wildfire that occurred in Greece burning more than half of the land area in the country was due to the release of stagnant “Qi” in the forest, thus causing the disaster. The “Qi” that causes different types of disasters is a form of negative energy.

If this form of “Qi” is not resolved, then the Earth can’t be saved. These disasters are “natural disasters” and are surgical operations performed by Heaven on the planet Earth.

Method of releasing blockages of the Earth’s meridians: Every country, every group, and every family, whether regularly or irregularly, should collectively chant the “Celestial Love Mantra” for the place where they are right now.

2. “Cleansing the soul”: Settling and finding place of repose for a massive number of negative-energy entities that are lingering around or wandering aimlessly within the third-dimensional realm.

3. Cleansing the Yin cosmic dust. Cosmic dust can be distinguished into Yang cosmic dust and Yin cosmic dust. If Yin cosmic dust is not resolved, we will be living in a perilous environment.

4. Helping injured or sick living entities in the fourth-dimensional realm.

In summary, if we, as human beings, ignore the serious crisis that is threatening the Earth and refuse to join forces to protect the environment of the Earth, then this implies destruction and ruin. By emphasizing on Yang “environmental protection” while overlooking Yin environmental protection implies that “saving the Earth” efforts will end in vain.

Yin environmental protection is an extremely difficult “environmental protection” task. Those people who are entrusted with special mission on the Earth and every citizen of the Earth, upon gaining related knowledge and achieving understanding of “Yin environmental protection”, and knowing what ought to be done and what can be done, should try to find one’s niche according to one’s qualification and ability. The most important thing is to reflect on one’s own thoughts, words and actions everyday; to practice kindness in daily life; to find a path of spiritual practice that appeals to you and suits you, to advance in spiritual level, to learn cosmic techniques, and to accomplish the “Three Rescues” mission.

The point of view of Feng Huang Yuan on Yin environmental protection is absolutely not unfounded or baseless. However, these perceptions are not easily accepted at present. Nevertheless, keep them on file for the time being, as only time will tell. In 2003, we put forward the “Three Rescues” concept of “Saving Earth, saving all beings, saving oneself” in Germany. Back then not many understood. Now, “Save the Earth” has become a global awareness. The “Three Rescues” concept is also being increasingly recognized and accepted by certain organizations.



Who am I?



Who am I?
I came from the interstellar faraway,
Harboring aspirations, carrying on a mission,
Briefly, hastily.
Repeated cycle of reincarnation,
Ah, endless cycle of reincarnation!
Aspirations were gone, mission was forgotten.
On that day, in a dream,
I saw the Goddess weaving the Heaven,
People on Earth were scampering for safety,
Disaster was striking,
Someone help me! Somebody save me!
Screaming and shouting on all sides,
I was awaken from dream panicked,
It was terrifying but seemed so real!
Was I able to save humanity?
Everyone was crying to me to save them!
Gradually, progressively,
My heart was calling out, longing for, seeking to……
Who am I? I am who!


Child, let me tell you this: “Who am I?”
You came from the Indigo Light,
The moment you took your first breath when you were born on Earth,
As resembling a tender tiny flower bud before blooming,
But gradually, you’ll forget your true purpose on Earth,
Is it to enjoy life, indulging in food, wine and pleasures on this planet?
Absolutely not!
This mysterious planet will make you ponder,
Undergoing countless cycles within the infernal realm,
Happiness, suffering, fear, hesitation……,
Similar to barriers you’re unable to cross and difficult to break through,
Feeling suffocated being buried alive,
Hence, be transformed—–Get to know Feng Huang Yuan!


In this very life,
You’ll feel you have ever had a pair of wings,
But, alas, it always seems impossible to fly.
So very tired, so exhausted……
Life is so trivial,
And in fact, so fragile.


Perhaps its the compassion of mother nature,
Nourishing and nurturing little lives from the Indigo Light with her nectar,
Unleash your pair of constrained wings,
Learn how to fly.
Even in the face of adversities,
Trudging through the vast wilderness,
Enduring thorns in the flesh,
Keep persevering no matter what,
Do your utmost in preparation for the ultimate transcendence of time and space,
Grandmaster Datong will take you along to walk gracefully for once,
Eventually reuniting with the Indigo Light.


Children from the Indigo Light replied:
We no longer waste a precious minute,
Remembering to return home only when the curtain is finally falling on our life,
It’ll be too late!
We’ve to learn to let go and be forgiving, spread our wings of love and compassion to return home,
We’ll take a step back in time and recover lost memories,
Turn back,
Return to the homeland of the Universe, our place of origin.


Look……! Listen……!
The Feng Huang is soaring and dancing gloriously,
The Feng Huang is singing melodiously,
At that very moment, I realized,
The Feng Huang is calling out, showing the way,
One, two and three, four and five of them……
The Feng Huangs are ascending to the sky and singing in unison,
It is a blessing bestowed from Heaven! It is natural nurturing from every corner of the land!
Let Feng Huang take me to see through the fog;
Let Feng Huang take me to soar into the sky;
Let Feng Huang take me to salvage more lives;
Let Feng Huang take me back to the interstellar homeland that I dreamed about!


(China) Ting Yu

The Divine Revelation of the Duke of Zhou: Daily Cultivation Practice

──Divine Revelation Part 1

Date Published: 2012-4-27


【Note: On April 20, 2012, during a ritual of the worship of Heaven, the Duke of Zhou delivered a divine revelation. This article discloses part of the divine revelation by the Duke of Zhou about daily cultivation practice.】

Duke of Zhou


The everyday etiquette and ceremonial for cultivation practitioners are divided into three steps:

Step 1: Respect the Universe and respect the Divine. First, learn the rules of human-Heaven etiquette and ceremonial, respect Heaven above, and be in awe of spirits and divinities, thereby even with temptation one will not dare to commit misdeeds. Spirits and divinities know everything one says and does, therefore one is bound to have some restrain, and dare not do as one pleases.

Step 2: Be filial and respectful to teachers. Only a filial person will truly honor and revere a teacher. Establish oneself in virtuous conduct, first and foremost always show filial piety to one’s parents and show reverence to one’s teacher. Don’t take it lightly, this is the fundamental philosophy of life. Do not give orders or make demands on one’s parents, speak gently when talking to them, and take good care of them. Nowadays, people do not know how to be filial to their parents. They comprehend filial as just giving some money or material things to their parents. In fact, it is not. A true filial child should be one who: ensures parents are comfortable in every single way, obey parents and cater to their pleasure, and provide nurturance to parents with food and physical care. Love one’s parents as much as one loves one’s children. Crows return regurgitation to their elderly parents just as their parents fed them regurgitated food when they were young, even crows exert utmost effort engaging in filial behavior, let alone human beings, one must reflect upon deeply. Show reverence to one’s teachers, do not be disrespectful or impolite. See one’s teacher as a father figure, behave oneself in a proper way.

Step 3: Be refined and courteous, show respect for all things. The way of treating others is observing rites above all else, the way of serving the teacher is observing rites① above all else. Between friends, keep one’s word, do not deceive each other. Between teacher and student, there must be a mutual trust, do not harbor suspicion. Observe proper hierarchical ordering by age, respect the elders and love the young.

Now, the focus of the “Three Rescues” planetary work is to lead everyone to learn to be a better person, to properly cultivate the Way of human, to fulfill one’s duties at home, to play well one’s role as an integral part of a society, and to do everything in accordance with the Way of the cosmos.

Be concern with all matters related to family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs. The Way of father, the Way of wife, the Way of child, are namely the Way of human. First conform to the Way of human, and when one goes along the Way of human, then one will be concordant with the Way of the cosmos. Otherwise, hoping to reach Heaven by a single bound will only expose oneself to ridicule. One must lay a solid foundation one step at a time. When the Way of human is well cultivated, then one will be unified with the Way of the cosmos.


Do your best to establish harmony between Heaven, Earth and human. Don’t be inclined to engage in conflict with others. This merely disrupts the balance of mind, disrupts the Way of human, and even disrupts the Way of the cosmos. The energy at each level must remain stable. The first level of energy is contained within the proper cultivation of the Way of human. The Way of human encompasses filial piety and the Way of respecting the teacher. When the energy level of the Way of human is stabilized, gradually, your own microcosm and the macrocosm will resonate at the same frequency, and it will be easy to stimulate sympathetic resonance with the cosmos. You are then in resonance conforming to the Way of the cosmos, thereby achieving cosmic interaction. This is extremely difficult.

People who are not well cultivated in the Way of human, even if they are able to resonate with the cosmos, often they do not interact with the righteous divinity. You are thereby susceptible to receiving some cosmic messages brought about by negative entities resonating at the same frequency with you.


There is a type of law in the Universe called sympathetic or correlative resonance. What is sympathetic resonance? It is two waves of the same frequency forming a resonance. That is, when your mind is in unison with the Way of the cosmos, it will form a resonance with the cosmos and directly receive energy and messages from deep in the Universe. This is called sympathetic resonance.

Sympathetic resonance can be attained through prayer, but not all requests will be granted, as it must be until after you achieve tranquility of the mind, that when your frequency and the high-dimensional frequency are coherent, only then sympathetic resonance will occur. Therefore, sympathetic resonance cannot be forced.

Why do so many people fail to receive divine messages? Because you did not remove your sins gradually, and your mind is filled with all sorts of desires and all kinds of negative messages, thereby your mind is not pure enough to resonate at the same frequency as the cosmos.

Therefore, the first step in cultivation practice should be the cultivation of mind. Cultivate until your worries are gradually reduced and you own a heart that takes pleasure in helping other, own a warm and bright heart, own a soft and calm heart, and own a heart of perseverance.


You have to learn to repent and reflect on your own mistakes everyday. Just like Master Zeng, better known as Zengzi, “I reflect on myself three times everyday.” You must have an attitude to admit mistakes and always have the courage to reflect on yourself. Live as if time hangs heavy on your hands, and carefully review your mistakes, since there is hope only for such person of ability.

The Divine’s favorite people are those who are good at self-control, those who like to reflect on themselves, and those who serve the Divine wholeheartedly. The Divine doesn’t want those who are hypocrites and pretentious, those who speak with a forked tongue, those who flatter, and let alone those who just go along for the ride. The Divine wants true cultivation practitioners, the Divine wants those who speak the truth, the Divine wants those who are down to earth and conscientious, the Divine wants those who have a heart of repentance, and the Divine wants those who are sincere about reunification with the cosmos. For those who are impenitent, the various divinities have unsympathetic attitude towards them until they wake up to reality.

We only help people who truly seek reunification. We will only give you what you want; we will not force upon you what you don’t want. Only a truly repentant soul will know that the gift of the Divine is incomparably solemn and sacred, and incomparably precious, which is rare in the world! They will be grateful, they will cherish it, and they will know how to be devoted.


Do you know how many good deeds and bad deeds have been recorded in your ledger of merit and demerit? Do you understand? You must accumulate merits, do more good deeds, help the Earth, help humankind, and help animals. A person without merits can’t go to Heaven. If there are only a few good deeds, but a lot of bad deeds in your ledger of merit and demerit, then you have to worry about your future, since even the Divine cannot help but feel for you. You will go where you are drawn by your karma, as you are inevitably responsible for your deeds, and with heavy burden of negative karma, so you have to repay the karmic debt yourself. No matter how great your supernatural power, it can’t withstand the forces of karma. You must work out your karma accordingly to eliminate all sins, and you will inevitably experience suffering. This is the path you choose for yourself, don’t blame the Divine for not reminding you.


There should be regularity of daily life. Change the habit of sleeping late. Sleeping late is unfavorable for life cultivation and health preservation, and also unfavorable for cultivating the Way. Sleeping late harms the internal organs, causes toxins to accumulate in the body, and causes blockages of the channels of vital energy, which will affect cultivation practice of the next day.

A person who truly wants to practice spirituality should fall asleep before 10 o’clock at night and wake up early in the morning. It is best to get up before 5 o’clock. Of course, the wake-up time can be adjusted to 6 o’clock or before 7 o’clock. But don’t sleep past 7 o’clock. After 7 o’clock, it is very inappropriate to continue sleeping, and carry on sleeping will harm the physical and mental health of human.

Modern human’s regular sleep-wake cycle, sleeping late and waking up late. This is the daily routine of a lazy person. This is the reverse direction of the Way of human. This is defying the law of nature of internal vital energy circulation throughout the human body.

For a person to be successful in spiritual practice, the internal vital energy flow within the human body and the energy flow within the macrocosm are to be harmoniously unified, as both are vitally interconnected, hence there have to be unity with nature and the Universe.

You should get up in the morning when the Yang energy rises. If you are still lying in bed, the rise of the Yang energy will be blocked, and for a prolonged time, it will inevitably cause various diseases in the body. When the Yang energy of your body rises, it is necessary to follow the nature, to get up for morning practice, and combine with various cultivation practices, thus allowing your microcosm to correspond to the macrocosm.

During the night, Heaven and Earth are already in the rest-activity state, thus don’t let your inner vital energy continue to circulate at vigorous state, else it goes in the opposite direction of the Way of the cosmos, and in fact it is contrary to the Way of the cosmos. When the cosmic energy diminishes, you should also put aside the task at hand, put aside your emotions of pleasure, anger, sorrow and happiness, and go to sleep with a quiescent state of mind to synchronize with the cosmic energy flow, as this is the law between the cosmos and the human body, and you must not break it. Otherwise, not to mention cultivation practice.

When the vital energy and blood circulation in your human body cannot correspond with the energy flow in the Universe, you yourself have deviated from the Way of the cosmos and unable to correspond with the cosmos. That’s why I say that sleeping late and getting up late is not only harmful to health, but also unsuitable for cultivation practitioners.

Of course, when you enter a special state of cultivation practice, it can be regarded as a different matter. In all other situations, you must follow the Way of the cosmos, so that the vital energy in your body corresponds and be concordant with the cosmic energy in the world.

Don’t deliberately violate this rule. Otherwise, your heart and the Way of the cosmos will grow further and further apart, and you won’t be able to better receive cosmic energy. When you sleep late and wake up late, the vital energy in your body is inconsistent with the flow of the macrocosm, thus the vital energy in your body has to work hard to catch up, and it will cause your body to disperse more energy and deplete even more vital essence. The ancients who cultivated immortality were no exception, they all slept early and woke up early, and even rose at cockcrow to start practicing. It is exactly this principle that is being said.

I am here today to reveal concisely to you, is to caution you time and again: The relationships between cultivation practice and daily routine, and cultivation practice and sleep are vitally interconnected and inseparable.

Cultivate the practice precisely in every moment of every day, to make every minute and every second of yours be in concordant with the Way of the cosmos, for this is the right way.

In addition, there are many commandments to be observed in life cultivation and health preservation, and will let you know some other time.

Zhou Gong’s Life and Influence

Duke of Zhou, whose year of birth and death were unknown (around 1100 BC), was a famous political philosopher and educationalist during the early Western Zhou dynasty. He was the fourth son of the founding monarch of the Western Zhou dynasty, King Wen of Zhou. He was the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou. Duke of Zhou’s surname was Ji and given name was Dan. He was also known as Shu Dan and was honored with the posthumous title Duke Wen. He was called “Zhou” because his fief was in the land of Zhou (present-day north of Qishan County, Shaanxi). He was honored as Duke of Zhou because he was the Grand Tutor, one of the three highest civil positions at that time. He assisted King Wu of Zhou successively in destroying the Shang and in ruling the kingdom. In the “Great Tradition of the Book of Documents (Shangshu Dazhuan)”, his political accomplishments were commended and summarized as: “The first year, [he] rescued [the kingdom] from chaos. The second year, [he] subdued [the King of] Yin. The third year, [he] trampled the Yan. The fourth year, [he] established the Marquess of Wei. The fifth year, [he] built up [King] Cheng’s Zhou [dynasty]. The sixth year, [he] developed rites and music. The seventh year, [he] handed over the rulership to King Cheng.” After the suppression of Wu Geng (who was Prince Zhou of Shang), King Wu of Zhou’s brothers Uncle Guan, Uncle Cai and Uncle Huo, and the eastern armed rebellions in a military campaign, Duke of Zhou “developed rites and composed music” and formulated and improved various systems such as the patriarchal system and the feudal system, and the slavery system of the Western Zhou was further consolidated.

Taking the fall of the Shang dynasty and armed rebellion events such as the “three uncles” as lessons, Duke of Zhou attached importance to political and moral education, governance education, and industrious education of slave owners, aristocrats and their children. He demanded “respecting morality and protecting the populace”, “matching Heaven with virtue”, “strengthening morality and punishing with discreet”, “possessing filiality and morality”, “learning the difficulty of farming””and so forth. He fully advocated the educational effects of “Odes” and “Announcements” on slave owners and commoners. In principal, he proposed meritocracy under which the appointment of government officials were to be based on their performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement. Throughout his life, he emphasized on being courteous to the worthy and learned persons, respecting the virtuous and talented persons, and being kind to those who come your way. Duke of Zhou’s speeches and commentaries were included in certain chapters of the “Book of Documents”, such as the “Great Announcement”, “Numerous Officers”, “Against Luxurious Ease”, and the “Establishment of Government.”

Since the Spring and Autumn period, Duke of Zhou had been regarded as a sage by rulers and scholars of the past dynasties. Confucius revered the Duke of Zhou, looked up to the Duke of Zhou’s political career, and praised the Duke of Zhou’s talents “The splendid talents of the Duke of Zhou.” “How I have declined! It has been such a long time since I dreamed of the Duke of Zhou.” Mencius was the first to revere Duke of Zhou as an “ancient sage.” It is apparent that the Duke of Zhou and Confucius were both highly respected. Xunzi regarded the Duke of Zhou as the great Confucian, and praised the Duke of Zhou’s virtue and talent in “The Teachings of the Confucians”. During the Han dynasty, Liu Xin and Wang Mang renamed “The Offices of the Zhou” to “Rites of the Zhou”, believing that it was the work of the Duke of Zhou, which was his achievement during the peaceful and prosperous period of Western Zhou dynasty, and placed the Duke of Zhou’s status above Confucius. During the Tang dynasty, Han Yu deeply opposed to Buddhism but vigorously advocated the Confucian orthodoxy and put forward the unified order of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Duke of Zhou, Confucius, and Mencius. Since then, people had often referred to the Duke of Zhou and Confucius together, and in education there had been a concept of “The Teachings of the Duke of Zhou and Confucius”. In short, it was said that Confucius must be comparable to the Duke of Zhou, which was the situation in which the Duke of Zhou was respected in ancient times. In addition to certain political needs, this kind of respect reflected the ancient people’s cherishment of the excellent traditional culture and education of the Western Zhou dynasty, as well as their sincere reverence for the great man Duke of Zhou. This had played a positive role in the propagation, inheritance, and development of the excellent cultural education of the Chinese nation in history.

Duke of Zhou was a great statesman in ancient Chinese history, and also an outstanding representative of the pioneering period of ancient Chinese education. Confucius and the Duke of Zhou were closely related in educational thoughts and practices. Duke of Zhou lived more than 3,000 years ago, and he played a great role in the development of ancient Chinese education. If Confucius was the great founder of ancient Chinese education, then the Duke of Zhou was the great pioneer of ancient Chinese education.

The Divine Revelation of Patriarch Xuanyuan

──Dozing off and napping

Date Published: 2014-5-30


Image result for Patriarch Xuanyuan

Dozing off during the day without fighting off sleep,
Is more draining and detrimental than not sleeping through the night;
Calm the mind and take a short nap,
Ginseng restores and tonifies the vital essence, subtle breath and spirit.

Master Datong’s Feng Shui Lecture Series – Episode Two (Zhou Residence – Text Version)


“Master Datong Feng Shui Lecture Series” is a Lunar New Year program exclusively produced by California’s Crossings TV. Master Datong has been specially invited to the program to introduce basic knowledge of Feng Shui to everyone and help everyone improve their luck.

Mrs. Zhou and Mr. Zhou have two children. Their youngest daughter is well-behaved and sensible , but the eldest son is quite a handful. Ever since they moved into this house, Mrs. Zhou’s family expenses have soared. It is easy to spend money but saving money is too difficult. Master Datong will check the Feng Shui and change their luck for them today.

Host: Good Feng Shui for New Year! Hello viewers! Welcome to Crossings TV program “the New Year Feng Shui Series”. I am the host Yue Heng. Today’s topic is about attracting and preserving wealth, and children’s education. We have invited Master Datong from Feng Huang Yuan, welcome.

Host: Hello Master!

Master Datong: Hello host! Happy New Year to all our viewers!

Host: Master, today we are going to visit Mrs. Zhou. She is an accountant and a real estate agent, and she has been very successful in her business. She and Mr. Zhou have a son and a daughter. The daughter is well-behaved and sensible but the son is quite a handful.. Mrs. Zhou said ever since they moved into this house, the family has been constantly spending money. So today I would like to ask Master to conduct a diagnosis of the Feng Shui layout of the house and identify the problem?

Master Datong: Okay.

Host: Let’s invite Mrs. Zhou, please. Hello Mrs. Zhou!

Mrs. Zhou: Hello, Yue Heng! Hello Master! Happy New Year!

Host: Mrs. Zhou, how long have you been living in this house?

Mrs. Zhou: We’ve been living here for about 13 years.

Host: 13 years. I was told that the house was designed and built by yourself, is that right?

Mrs. Zhou: Yes, that is right.

Host: Master, are there any problems with the external layout of the house?

Master Datong: Mrs. Zhou, the Feng Shui layout of this house is associated with financial losses and injuries to the occupants.

Host: Financial losses and injuries to the occupants. We know that financial losses means that Mrs. Zhou keeps spending money.

Mrs. Zhou: Absolutely yes. We have been spending money ever since we moved in.

Host: Yes, then what does it mean by injuries to the occupants?

Master Datong: Injuries to the occupants means the Feng Shui layout of the house will cause injuries or harm to the males in the house, especially boys.

Host: Yes, Mrs. Zhou, how is the situation of your son in this house ?

Mrs. Zhou: My son is 25 years old; He has not graduated from university after 7 or 8 years, so I’m worried..

Host: Oh yes, in fact, there is a bit of a problem. So Master, specifically, how does the layout affect wealth and family?

Master Datong: As you can see, the entrance of the house is facing two merging roads in front of it. It is like a bow, with the back of the bow facing the entrance. In Feng Shui, this is called Reverse Bow Sha.

Host: Reverse Bow Sha?

Master Datong: It resembles a bow ready to shoot.

Host: Since this is the case, what kind of harm does the Reverse Bow Sha generally have?

Master Datong: The ancient Feng Shui books said that if there is a Reverse Bow Sha in front of the house, it will cause illnesses and affect health. Declining wealth luck will affect the financial affairs and wealth energy, and it is easy to produce rebellious offspring.

Host: The child is giving many headaches.

Master Datong:The family relationships are superficial and shallow.

Host: Oh, it also affects family harmony.

Master Datong: Hard to find a perfect match.

Host: That’s right. it is difficult to find a suitable girlfriend.

Mrs. Zhou: Absolutely, yes. My son may have a lot of friends, but he just could not find a perfect match. As Master said, money is earned, but unable to preserve wealth, so it is always spending money.

Master Datong: If this kind of Feng Shui appears in front of a storefront, business will be tough. As for marriage, it will be bad and unlucky.

Host: Therefore, both business and family will be badly affected. Master, I have a question. Actually, this road is not a main road. It is just a curved driveway. Does this have an impact?

Master Datong: This is a very good question. Generally, when the Reverse Bow Sha pattern is big, the road has huge impact on the house; this is a small Reverse Bow Sha, it will not affect the house much. But the family structure of the Zhou’s family which denotes “Human”; this place, which denotes “Earth”; and this timing, which denotes “Heaven”; achieving resonance is more difficult for this type of “Heaven’s timing”, ”Earth’s geographical advantageous” and “Harmony of human”. Therefore, her interpersonal relationship, such person, such place, such timing, such house, and such Feng Shui layout will cause turbulence in the Feng Shui energy.

Mrs. Zhou: Oh, no wonder. This must have been the reason why my son has not graduated yet.

Host: Okay, how can we resolve such a powerful Reverse Bow Sha, Master?

Master Datong: Resolving the problem. Come over and I will let you know.

Host: Okay.

Master Datong: Now, from the perspective of Feng Huang Yuan’s Interstellar Feng Shui, the first method is to put the Five Emperors coins under the doormat.

Host: Put the Five Emperors coins under the doormat.

Master Datong: Second, Feng Huang Yuan has a Qilin Feng Shui sticker. There are two types: one is big and the other one is small. Stick the big one at the top; on both sides, paste a pair of small Feng Shui stickers. The third method is by placing a Taishan stone tablet at the corner of wall of the front door.

Host: Taishan stone tablet can then be placed at the corner of the wall.

Master Datong: These three methods will resolve this problem.

Host: Of these three methods, can Mrs. Zhou just use one of them?

Master Datong: No, she needs all three.

Host: Fine, use all three.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay.

Master Datong: It is better this way.

Host: Well, if after the three methods are used, what else on the outside needs to be resolved? Or are all the problems resolved completely?

Master Datong: The most important thing is that Mrs. Zhou and family should smile more, smile at each other and the people around them. The power of this smile is enormous. It can enhance the gentle energy of the house and reduce the damage of the Reverse Bow Sha to the house.

Host: Very well. TV viewers also heard what Master just said. If you buy a new house, you must pay attention to what the external environment of your home, and be sure to avoid having a Reverse Bow Sha facing your front door. Moreover, the most important things in Feng Shui are the three elements: heaven’s timing, earth’s geographical advantageous and harmony of human. We not only need to adjust the Feng Shui, but we also need to adjust our heart internally. Smile more and you will have more positive energy. Master, let’s check the inside of the house, shall we?

Master Datong: Okay.

Mrs. Zhou: Master, please come in.

Host: For a hall like this where the stairs are here, do you see any problem with the stairway?

Master Datong: The stairway is not too big, and the design is fine as it is not directly facing the front door.

Host: Oh, because this small curve here just bends it over.

Master Datong: That’s right, it is not a direct rushing energy flow.

Host: What would happen if it is facing the door?

Master Datong: If facing the main door, when one accidentally fell, it would be easy to fall down from the stairs. So there are safety issues, health issues, and wealth issues.

Host:Oh, so the wealth energy of the family might be flowing out of the door.

Master Datong: We need to keep the good things inside.

Host: Oh, I see.

Master Datong: We need to bring in good energy from the outside. Therefore, the stairs should not face the main door directly. It is not good.

Host: Got it.

Mrs. Zhou: Are our stairs okay?

Master Datong: No problem.

Host: If our viewers have a stairway facing the main door, how do we resolve the problem?

Master Datong: You can put a partition screen to separate the door from the stairway so that the energy can be turned around.

Host: Okay.

Master Datong: It will be better to block it.

Host: The stairway in Mrs. Zhou’s house is fine. There is no need to do anything.

Master Datong: Yes, don’t do anything for the time being.

Host: Okay, fine. Let’s check the other rooms.

Master Datong: Okay.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, please come upstairs. Master, this is our master bedroom.

Host: The master bedroom is beautifully decorated. Did you design it on your own?

Mrs. Zhou: Yes, we designed it.

Host: Very artistic.

Mrs. Zhou: Thank you.

Host: Master, please take a look.

Master Datong: The first issue is that the burnt-out light bulb should be replaced.

Mrs. Zhou: Oh, so we need to pay attention to the lighting.

Master Datong: Is that a lamp too?

Mrs. Zhou: No.

Host: Why do we need to pay attention to this lighting?

Master Datong: The lighting is very well designed, but if one light is out, the energy and lighting would be unbalanced. It is like a person with a broken little finger, which is not good. It should be whole.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, I will replace it immediately.

Host: Good, replace it immediately after we finished this program.

Master Datong: The second issue is these are artificial flowers.

Host: Yes, they are all artificial ones, easy to take care of.

Master Datong: Those are artificial as well. In the husband and wife room, the master bedroom, don’t place artificial items here. There are three artificial items which will affect the couple’s relationship and it would be better to take them away. The relationship between husband and wife needs to be true and authentic.

Host: So Master, do they need to replace ithem with real flowers?

Master Datong: It is not necessary. For a husband and wife, the master bedroom should be simple and elegant. Is the frame above the bedhead made of plastic or metal?

Mrs. Zhou: It is metal.

Master Datong: It’s metal, then that’s too heavy above the headboard. It’s better to take it away.

Host: It is really beautiful, but it is not good for couple’s relationship.

Master Datong: Yes, it’s too heavy to put it here and it’s really not good. It’s better to take it away.

Host: Is there any other problem, Master?

Master Datong: The third issue is the bed. There is a black cushion on the mattress, doesn’t it look uncomfortable?

Host: It does not look like a part of the set.

Master Datong: If it doesn’t make up a set then just take it away.

Mrs. Zhou: This is not needed. Will take it to guest room.

Master Datong: Yes, put it somewhere else. Now, this is a great set of colors. How nice! Neatly arranged, and the color looks good. There is one more thing which is the most important in a relationship between husband and wife.

Host: One more thing? Please tell us now.

Master Datong: The simplest yet most difficult thing is to smile often.

Host: Ha ha! Still, it is smile more.

Master Datong: Smile more, smile when you get up, smile before going to bed at night, smile all day long. Your husband and wife relationship will be good even if it is not.

Host: Yes, just like the old Chinese saying, respect and love each other.

Master Datong: We need to smile more. Smile is a kind of positive energy, high-vibrational energy from the Universe.

Host: Okay, we have seen the couple’s room. Let’s check the children’s rooms.

Mrs. Zhou: Master, as I told you yesterday that my daughter went back to San Diego State University to study. She is a good kid. I do not worry about her much. Please look at her room.

Master Datong: She’s doing well in school, right?

Mrs. Zhou: Her grades are very good.

Master Datong: I have just checked your daughter’s room, the bed is well arranged and the furniture set up is good, seems like she knows the concept of Feng Shui innately. From the Feng Shui perspective, your daughter’s room has the best Feng Shui; the master bedroom is the second best. This room is pretty colorful and thus not as good. Why?

Host: Master, please enlighten us.

Master Datong: Let me tell you. The worst is this door clash. As soon as the door is opened, it is facing the bed, giving a clear view of the bed. People from outside can see the person on the bed which does not look proper and has no privacy. This is the first problem of the door clash. The second problem is that the negative energy from the door clash will affect the health of the person sleeping on the bed. The third reason is that the door clash can distract the person sleeping on the bed, and the person might catch a cold easily.

Host: Also prone to nervous breakdown.

Master Datong: Right, the second problem is the bed should be against the wall, the backing should be strong. Look at your son’s bed, the top of it are windows, meaning it’s empty, and there is no support at all. What are the consequences of this? Firstly, the window is clear; and there is no feeling of support and nothing to rely on, so it will have some impact on his studies and career.

Host: It is very unstable.

Master Datong: Secondly, according to ancient Feng Shui books, sleeping under the window can cause a person to have many dreams. Thirdly, it would also make the person disoriented, especially young people. Such bed placement will have a negative impact on him as it is hard for him to have a clear objective.

Mrs. Zhou: Yes, no wonder, he studied for 7 years and still not able to graduate.

Master Datong: Haven’t graduated in 7 years, so this must be changed.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, how to change then?

Master Datong: Since the room is not big, you can only choose to move the bed over here. At least the head of the bed is against the wall, and there is a good support. Part of it may also have something to do with this window. You can use a curtain to cover this window and open the window over there. You can open it during the day and close it at night.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay.

Master Datong: There is a window here. Use a curtain to cover it at night. You can open it during the day for ventilation, it doesn’t matter.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, close the curtain at night.

Master Datong: Close the curtain at night. This will solve the problem connected with the bed.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, but there is a garage below, does it have any effect?

Host: Is it whether the noise will be disturbing to him?

Master Datong: The garage. Is there a wall behind your garage?

Mrs. Zhou: I want it to be ventilated, so both ends are open.

Master Datong: Then you made a mistake again.

Mrs. Zhou: Another mistake?

Master Datong: This garage is open on both ends. Energy flow is created when a car moves in and out. Although the garage is below, a car moving in and out will affect the energy of the upper room. For example, some building overhangs? The overhang is where the road passes underneath, and the upper part is the building, where stores are opened. This kind of building structure is called an overhang. Doing business or sleeping on the upper structure of an overhang is not good. This is a bedroom with a little overhang feature.

Mrs. Zhou: How can it be improved?

Master Datong: Improvement is necessary because the space below is empty and energy is unstable. According to the Five Elements Theory, the person sleeping here will be in healthy environment when the human energy field and the Earth’s five elements, the interstellar field and the cosmic field achieve resonance. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the Earth element by replacing it with a yellow carpet. Additionally, put the Five Emperor coins under the yellow carpet to strengthen the Earth and Metal elements. In this way, the person can have a well-rested sleep here, and there will be a huge difference.

Mrs. Zhou: Thank you.

Host: He will also make more money, right?

Master Datong: When he grows up, he will be able to find a job more easily.

Host: Master, I noticed that there is a special part in his room. The bathroom is red in color. See how bright it is. It feels like Chinese New Year.

Master Datong: A red bathroom? I see that this room has the most variety of colors. The room is green and the bathroom is red. These are not very good. It is better to change to cream color. In fact the bathroom is a place where humidity, Yin energy and bad energy are concentrated. It can easily attracts negative information or energy. In addition, the color is red, the Sha Qi of the color is called “Se Sha”, which will affect the kidney and bladder system of the person living here and cause other problems.

Host: Is it that serious?

Master Datong: The renal function system, including the urinary system, reproductive system and excretion are all related to this area. Do not underestimate the role of the bathroom, pay attention to it. It is recommended to change to cream color for better result.

Mrs. Zhou: Okay, thank you Master!

Host: Hi TV viewers, everyone should also pay attention. If you want to paint your room in different colors and make it look nice, do not paint the bathroom red. It will cause “Se Sha” and affect the functions of various organs of your body. Master, we have completed the diagnosis of this room, let’s go downstairs, have a cup of tea and take a rest, then give Mrs. Zhou’s family more suggestions, is that okay?

Master Datong: Okay.

Mrs. Zhou: Thank you Master, this way please.

Host: Master just made a partial diagnosis and adjustment of our room. So Master, let’s ask Mrs. Zhou. How do you feel now after we’ve seen the Feng Shui in this room?

Mrs. Zhou: First, I would like to thank Master for coming to my house to help us with the Feng Shui of the house and giving us so many valuable suggestions. We will make some improvements. I hope my son can concentrate on his studies and find a stable job soonest so that we as parents will feel relieved. Thank you.

Host: Yes, we wish Mrs. Zhou’s family and son can find their own life direction in the new year, and everyone can save the money they earned.

Master Datong: Our Feng Huang Yuan’s Interstellar Feng Shui can clear blockages of the acupoints and meridians of this house, and even lock in energy. A house is like a person because a person has internal organs; a house also has internal organs. We use Energy Feng Shui method of Feng Huang Yuan. If there are problems in the bathroom or kitchen, we can solve them one by one and finally, it is clearing the energy field to remove the negative information and negative energy. Then invite the great positive energy and the light of celestial love to build an energy barrier to protect the Feng Shui of this house.

Host: Great! Master, at the end of the program, do you have any opinions or suggestions to Mrs. Zhou?

Master Datong: It is easy to adjust the Feng Shui, but difficult to maintain good Feng Shui. It is easy to conquer a country, but hard to maintain it. The Feng Shui of the house can be directly related to the owner of the house. Bad Feng Shui could be brought in by yourself subconsciously. After my adjustment, Mrs. Zhou’s family should pay attention to virtue cultivation and health cultivation. What is virtue cultivation? It is to accumulate good deeds, do good deeds, help others, help the earth and help the world. What about health cultivation? You can practice Qi Gong, Yoga, or some other wellness and longevity secret methods. This way, when cultivation and practices are properly carried out, and the Feng Shui of the house will be easily maintained.

Host: Okay, Master, now that we have completed the Feng Shui cures for the house, can we make some adjustments to help the family increase their luck?

Master Datong: If you ask this question, I think, there are traffic accidents every day. Why? Feng Shui professionals and people who drive, they usually overlook a very important issue that is the Feng Shui of the car.

Host: Oh, well, after the program, we will also adjust the Feng Shui of Mrs. Zhou’s car, especially her son’s car.

Master Datong: Okay.

Host: Hello TV viewers, if you need information about car Feng Shui, please remember to log on to our official website: www.Crossingstv.Com/fengshui2016. If you have any comments or suggestions, or any questions, please email us at fengshui@Crossingstv.Com. Thanks for watching! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Master Datong: Thank you to all our viewers! Wishing all of you a very Happy and a Prosperous New Year!


