Studying the “Divine Revelation” to Understand Historical Positioning

Keeping in step with Grandmaster and raising the banner of “Three Rescues” March 16, 2018 is a profoundly important day for all members of Feng Huang Yuan. On this day, the Divine descended a Divine Revelation, establishing two historical positions for Feng Huang Yuan: The first historical position is: Feng Huang Yuan will be a…

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The Divine Revelation of Grand Duke Jiang: Master’s Teachings—Give the Credit and Take the Blame

Date Published: 2014-9-13   On August 31, 2014, Grand Duke Jiang delivered a divine revelation: Master’s Teachings①——Give the credit and take the blame. Interpretation and guidance of the cosmic message: Be unyielding towards self-discipline and even more so, turn to the virtuous way of giving the credit and taking the blame to overcome the ego…

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The Divine Revelation of the Duke of Zhou: Daily Cultivation Practice

──Divine Revelation Part 1 Date Published: 2012-4-27   【Note: On April 20, 2012, during a ritual of the worship of Heaven, the Duke of Zhou delivered a divine revelation. This article discloses part of the divine revelation by the Duke of Zhou about daily cultivation practice.】 (One) The everyday etiquette and ceremonial for cultivation practitioners…

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The Divine Revelation of Patriarch Xuanyuan

──Dozing off and napping Date Published: 2014-5-30   Dozing off during the day without fighting off sleep, Is more draining and detrimental than not sleeping through the night; Calm the mind and take a short nap, Ginseng restores and tonifies the vital essence, subtle breath and spirit.

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The Divine Revelation of Deity of Poetry Bai Juyi (Bai Letian) and High Vibrational Energy-Infused Photo of “Master Is Coming Towards Us”

Date Published: 2021-4-28 The Deity of Poetry Bai Juyi (Bai Letian) delivered a poetry from his lifetime, “Reminiscing Jiangnan” to the practitioners of Feng Huang Yuan: Jiangnan is beautiful, The long-familiar scenery. When the sun rises, flowers by the river will be redder than fire, When spring comes, water of the river will be green…

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Date Published: 2021-5-1     When you come back in your next cycle of rebirth, Great master has already reached Nirvana. Great predestined relationship has vanished and gone. You search everywhere within the three thousandfold world, No one to enlighten you, transform you, guide you, deliver you from suffering, love you, protect you, dote on…

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Feng Huang Yuan Cultivation and Practice Guide

Date Published: 2010-8-7     Observe the etiquettes of Confucius and Mencius, Walk on the path of sages, Practice the teachings of Yellow Emperor and Laozi, Knock on the gate of the divine human, Explore the path of dimensional shift, Actualize the aspiration of ascending to the divine realm.      

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Feng Huang Yuan Five Foundations of Morality

──The Divine Revelation of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Taiyi Zhenren: Feng Huang Yuan Five Foundations of Morality Date Published: 2013-9-6   [Notes: On November 15, 2011, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Taiyi Zhenren gave the divine revelation of “Feng Huang Yuan Five Foundations of Morality”. Grandmaster Datong requires every Feng Huang Yuan student to add this divine revelation…

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